Question 1: Is it guaranteed that all products are imported from Europe?
Ans: We guarantee the products you purchase from our website are 100% imported from Europe. All products come with original manufacturer packing. We could provide import documents or CO to proof if necessary.
答:我們保證你在本網站所購買的產品都是百份百從歐洲進口, 以及所有產品均以原廠包装。如有需要, 我們可以提供入口文件或產地來源証以作証明。
Question 2: How to order the products?
Ans: You could order from our online store directly.
Question 3: How long does it take to receive the goods?
- For factory in-stock item, it will take 14-21days to arrive Hong Kong or Macau.
- For non in-stock item, it will take 60-95 days to arrive Hong Kong and Macau.
*For China destination, the goods will need additional 7-10 days to arrive.*
- 若果工廠有現貨, 需要14-21天送達香港或澳門地址。
- 訂貨產品, 需要60-90天生產及送達香港或澳門地址。
*如送去中國大陸, 需要另加7-10天才能到達.*
Question 4: For non-stock items, why it takes so long to receive?
Ans: The whole process is as followed:
- Production time: Between 20 - 60days (depending on maker's production schedule and products you select).
- Ocean freight delivery time from Europe Hong Kong: around 30days
- Inspection of any breakage in our Hong Kong warehouse: around 2 days
- 1 to 3 days to arrange delivery to your destination.
Total needs 60-95days to deliver the goods to you after you place the order.
Important Remarks: The above lead time excludes following holidays in Europe:
- July 25 to Sept 2: Summer Holiday
- Dec 18 - Jan 7: Christmas and New Year Holiday
問題4:那些訂貨產品, 為什麼需要那麼長的時間才能收貨?
- 生產時間:約20-60天(根據製造商的生產進度和您選擇的產品)
- 船運時間 (歐洲到香港): 大概30天
- 貨到我們香港倉庫進行檢查: 大概2天
- 送貨到你的地址: 1-3日
由你落單開始計起, 大概60-95天才能收貨。
溫馨提示: 以上交貨時間不包括歐洲以下假期:
- 7月25日至9月2日: 歐洲工廠暑假
- 12月18日至1月7日: 聖誕節及新年假
Question 5: How could I pay?
Ans: We'll accept the following payment methods:
- Credit Card: Visa / Master / A.E.
- Cheque
問題5: 如何付款?
答: 我們接受以下的付款方式:
- 信用卡: Visa / Master / AE
- 支票
Question 6: What is the payment term?
Ans: Full payment in advance to confirm order. If you wish to make any amendment or cancellation of the order, please contact us within 2 working days after you place the order. If manufacturer already started the production, then it will be impossible to amend your order or refund. In case of any disputes, Avanti Group Limited reserves the right to make the final decision.
問題6: 付款條件是什麼?
答: 所有訂單都需要全數付款以確定訂單. 如果你需要修改或取消訂單,請在落單後2個工作天內通知我們. 超過限期或工廠已開始生產,我們將不能修改訂單或安排退款. 如有任何爭議, 本公司保留最終決定權.
Question 7: How's the packing of the goods?
Ans: All goods will come with manufacturer's original export packing.
問題7: 貨件會怎樣包裝?
答: 所有產品會以工廠原裝出口包裝。
Question 8: Will you deliver the goods to us?
Ans: We could deliver to most of Hong Kong and Macau area.
*For China delivery: We are able to deliver to Guangdong, Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou (only for destinations that lift could reach or deliver to ground floor). For shipping to other cities, please contact us in advance before place the order.*
問題8: 你會送貨到我的地址嗎?或是我需要自己去提貨?
答: 送貨範圍包括絕大部份香港和澳門地區
*中國地區: 我們暫時只可送到廣東省、北京、上海和杭州等地方(只能送有電梯能到達的地址,或在大堂交貨). 如要送往其他城市, 請落單前先跟我們查詢。
Question 9: Is the shipping fee free of charge? Or is there any additional charge?
- For Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territory: Free shipping (Except Tung Chung, Park Island and Discovery Bay).
- For Outlying Island and Macau: We'll need to charge addition shipping fee. Please call us for additional shipping fee.
- Notice * Buildings without lift or product can only access through staircases, $50 per floor up to 8 floors.*
- For China area (Guangdong, Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou): Free Shipping. (For those address that goods couldn't load into a lift or need to carry upstairs manually, then there will be an additional charge).
問題9: 請問送貨是免費嗎?或需要另外收費?
- 香港島、九龍及新界: 免費送貨. (東涌、珀麗灣及愉景灣除外).
- 離島及澳門地區需另外收費.
- 注 *送貨地點如沒有升降機或貨品須經樓梯送貨, 每層$50,以八層為限*
- 中國地區(廣東、北京、上海和杭州): 免費送貨. (如電梯不能到達或需用人手經樓梯送貨, 那需要額外收費).
Question 10: Are you going to do the installation for us? Or I need to install by ourselves?
- For Hong Kong and Macau location: We could appoint an electrician to do the installation for you. Please contact us to quote installation fee.
- Or you could use your own electrician to install the products.
- For China area: We are sorry that we couldn't provide installation service at this moment.
問題10: 送貨是否包括安裝?或是我需要自行安裝?
- 香港和澳門地區: 我們可轉介專業電器技工幫忙安裝. 請與我們的客戶服務員查詢安裝費用.
- 或者你可以自行找專業電器技工安裝亦可.
- 中國地區: 抱歉我們暫時未能提供安裝服務.
Question 11: Once open the packing or after install the product, but I found that there's defective or broken part, what should I do?
- Contact us immediately via Phone / Whatsapp / WeChat / Email to report to us about the breakage.
- Take pictures of the complete product and the broken part
- We'll report your case to our European maker to provide replacement parts you need
- If we arrange the delivery and installation, we will pay for all the replacement parts fee and delivery charge. If customer arranges the pickup and assembly by their own electrician, then customers may need to responsible for the replacement fees and re-shipping charges.
- All report to us about any breakage after receiving the goods 5days, we may need to charge for replacement cost and shipping fee.
問題11: 如果打開包装或產品安裝好之後, 我發現有破損或其他問題,我應該怎樣做?
- 請第一時間通過電話、Whatsapp、WeChat或email通知我們有關問題或破損。
- 請將整件產品及破損部份拍幾張不同角度的圖片,然後發給我們。
- 我們會將你的破損問題直接通知歐洲廠家及安排補回補件。
- 若這件貨全程都是由我們公司安排送貨及安裝,我們會負責所有這些補件的費用及運費。但是如果是由客人自己提貨及安排安裝,我們有可能需要收取補件費及運費。
- 如果客人在收到貨後5天才通知我們, 客人有機會須自行承擔所有補件費用及運費。
Question 12: If the products are fine, but I change my mind. Can I return, refund or exchange products?
Ans: Due to all the products are made to order by oversea makers and take weeks to transports to the customer; therefore, we do not accept any return, refund or exchange product base on customer change their mind.
問題12: 如果產品沒有問題, 但我不太喜歡收到的產品. 我可以退貨、退款或換貨嗎?
答: 由於本網站所銷售的產品, 每一件均為定制並長途運抵客人手上,如無質量原因,本公司無法接受退貨要求。